Fatty Liver Kartik Goyal liver disease

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Obesity

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Obesity

It is commonly known that drinking alcohol excessively harms the liver. There is a widespread perception that this is the primary cause of cirrhosis and other serious, usually fatal liver diseases. Obesity is an important contributing factor as well. Fatty deposits develop in the liver as a result of both excessive drinking and obesity. NAFLD, standing for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is the diagnosis.

How does NAFLD impact the body?

The liver is one of the body’s most important organs. It helps improve digestion, produces proteins that rebuild and repair damaged cells, stores the iron the body needs, turns food into energy, and aids in the body’s capacity to fight off diseases. A small amount of fat is present in the liver’s normal composition. NAFLD is present when obesity causes the quantity of fat in the liver to rise to 5% to 10% of the total weight of the liver.

In many cases, NAFLD may not show any symptoms, making it difficult for people to identify their condition. In other cases, the liver swells, damaging the surrounding tissue. It’s also referred to as Non-Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis ( NASH). Cells are damaged as a result of this harm, and scar tissue develops as a result, reducing the liver’s ability to function. Cirrhosis is a disorder that develops when the level of scar tissue is excessive and can result in liver cancer and liver failure.

How does obesity cause fatty liver disease?

NAFLD may occasionally appear out of nowhere. Stated that the following are some frequent reasons for the condition:

  • Obesity is one of the most common causes. Modern eating habits, lifestyles, inactivity, and genetic predispositions are the main causes of obesity.
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Diabetes syndrome
  • Taking some prescription medication

What symptoms are present in fatty liver disease?

NAFLD patients usually don’t exhibit any symptoms until the disease has progressed to the cirrhosis stage. In other circumstances, the symptoms could be:

  • Abdominal pain or a feeling of fullness
  • Nausea
  • Appetite loss
  • Weight loss
  • Eyes and skin with yellow undertones (jaundice)
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Mental confusion
  • Swollen legs and abdomen

Which treatment is most effective for NAFLD?

The first step in treating NAFLD brought on by obesity is weight loss. Under medical supervision, a controlled, progressive weight loss that doesn’t fluctuate could halt the disease’s course. This requires maintaining a tight diet and doing lots of exercises. A Gastro Doctor may also prescribe medication to treat NAFLD. If all other treatment options fail and the condition gets bad enough to risk one’s life, the only option left is a liver transplant.

If you have NAFLD or think that you could have it, consult with a fatty liver treatment in Punjab. Despite popular belief, a transplant surgeon won’t always prescribe one. The surgeon always places the patient’s best medical needs first. If there are no other options, a liver transplant specialist will recommend a transplant after carefully weighing all available options. Although NAFLD and other major liver problems. they are discovered and treated, the better the chance of recovery.

Gastroenterologist Kartik Goyal liver disease

Gastro Guide: Everything you need to know about liver disease

The blog will highlight everything about liver disease to effectively enlighten you about the problem and what preventive measures you can take. You must visit one of the known Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana to seek the ultimate care for your gastro health and make your life better in all ways.

Which are the conditions that can damage liver disease?

Various conditions trigger liver disease like autoimmune hepatitis, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, alcohol-related fatty liver disease, liver cancer, and other problems. If you are dealing with any of these conditions, make sure to pay an immediate visit to one of the leading Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana to seek timely assistance.

Which are the common symptoms of liver disease?

The liver disease symptoms depend on the specific condition you have. It’s possible initially, there are no symptoms, but as time passes by, the situation gets worse, and you start noticing the symptoms. Some of the most apparent symptoms are:

  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice)
  • Chalky (gray) stools
  • Pain in the joints
  • Bloating or swelling in the belly
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in the upper right part of the belly

How is liver disease diagnosed and tested?

Medical science includes several tests to better analyze liver health. When the condition is checked, the medical history is analyzed, and a physical examination is performed to better understand the entire state. Some of the most common tests that are done are:

  • Blood test
  • Imaging test – CT scan, MRI, and Ultrasound
  • Biopsy

Depending on the symptoms you have and seeing your past medical history, the doctor will make the final call as to what to do next.

What are the Various treatment options?

Similarly, just the way symptoms are checked, the diagnosis is made. In the same manner, for every possible treatment plan, there’s a different treatment that is needed like:

  • Autoimmune hepatitis is treated through medications, and sometimes live transplant is suggested.
  • In the case of NAFLD, the treatment options include having a healthy diet, losing weight, not drinking alcohol, reducing cholesterol levels, and controlling diabetes.

When you consult the medical expert, he will guide you all effectively on which treatment is best to make your condition managed in all the right ways.

Are there any prevention tips for liver disease?

Some of the known prevention tips for liver disease are:

  • Ensure that you wash your hands regularly once you have gone to the washroom or changing diapers. Doing so ensures that the chances of infection are less.
  • Involve yourself in safe sex practices
  • Do not share your personal belongings like toothbrushes, needles, and brushes. Sharing such stuff increases the chances of infection.

Although, if you talk about autoimmune hepatitis, there is no such prevention tip.