Gastroenteritis treatment in Ludhiana

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    Gastroenteritis: Symptoms And Causes

    Gastroenteritis refers to the inflammation in your stomach and intestine. Due to inflammation, these organs become swollen and sore and cause symptoms of illness such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Gastroenteritis takes place due to an infection in your gastrointestinal tract. Infection bacteria can cause the infection, such as stomach flu or food poisoning. Chemicals can also be the cause of gastroenteritis, but the condition can be managed with the help of the best doctor for gastroenteritis treatment in Punjab.

    Types Of Gastroenteritis

    The most common type of gastroenteritis is infectious gastroenteritis. This type of gastroenteritis is caused by an infection in your gastrointestinal tract, which includes your stomach and intestines. The causes of the infection can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.The other type of gastroenteritis is chemical gastroenteritis which takes place due to the ingestion of toxic chemicals through the contamination of food and water sources. Heavy doses of drugs and alcohol, including some medications, can also be the cause of gastroenteritis. 

    How common is the condition of gastroenteritis?

    Gastroenteritis can and does affect almost everyone. The condition is not serious most of the time. However, for a vulnerable population, the condition can become serious. Gastroenteritis is the most common cause of death all around the globe.

    Symptoms And Causes

    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Gastroenteritis?

    The symptoms of gastroenteritis affecting your intestines are diarrhoea and cramps, and the symptoms of gastroenteritis affecting your stomach are nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are the hallmarks of gastroenteritis. The symptoms of the condition can be reduced with the help of gastroenteritis treatment in Ludhiana. The list of the symptoms for gastroenteritis may include: 

    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Loss of appetite
    • Abdominal pain and cramping
    • Chills
    • Body ache
    • Fatigue
    • Fever

    What Are The Initial Signs Of Gastroenteritis?

    Most of the time, the symptoms of gastroenteritis appear suddenly. You might experience stomach pain, cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting in a short time.
    With time, you may or may not experience systematic symptoms that affect the rest of the body, such as chills, body aches, and fever.


    What Is The Major Cause Of Gastroenteritis?

    Gastroenteritis takes place when your body activates to prevent your stomach and intestine from any harm. By sending inflammatory cells to fight the infections as well as repair the damaged tissues.
    The response is usually temporary to the temporary injury. It happens for a short period, and then the inflammation reduces. Gastroenteritis, which may stay for a long time, is unusual.

    What Are The Risk Factors Of Gastroenteritis?

    Almost everyone gets gastroenteritis. However, you are more likely to be affected by it if you:

    • Age older than 65 or younger than 6.
    • Reside or work in a nursing home or childcare.
    • Eat raw meat or fish.
    • Travel to a less developed region in another country.
    • Have a disease that is chronic and has weakened your immunity. 
    • Use alcohol and drugs often.

    What Are The Possible Complications Of Gastroenteritis?

    Usually, gastroenteritis does not stay for long and ends in a short time. The primary complication that can take place due to this condition is dehydration, which is mostly a risk for children and senior citizens.

    In case of vomiting or diarrhoea, your body loses a lot of fluids and electrolytes. If you don’t manage the situation in time, your body can become dehydrated and face electrolyte imbalances.  If gastroenteritis stays for a long time, it can result in damage to the intestines and stomach. You may develop ulcers, for example, but only a few types of gastroenteritis are persistent, for which you can contact the best doctor for gastroenteritis treatment in Punjab.

    Some certain causes of gastroenteritis can cause side effects that differ from the effects of gastroenteritis itself. Some toxins and infections can do damage that may last for long.

    People who do not have access to clean water, nutrition, sanitization and healthcare are more likely to be affected by gastroenteritis due to the weakening of their immune system. The condition might affect these people for a long period.

    If you are facing any signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis, then contact Ameritus Hospital for the best gastroenteritis treatment in Punjab. We provide a service that takes care of all your needs and requirements with the help of our skilled and experienced healthcare professionals.