Hiatal Hernia: Types, Causes and Prevention Tips

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    What Is Hiatal Hernia?

    A hiatal hernia happens when the higher part of the abdomen protrudes between the large muscle separating the stomach and chest; this muscle is called the diaphragm and has a small hiatus opening. The tube used to swallow food, called the esophagus, passes through the esophagus before joining the stomach. In a hiatal hernia, the stomach moves up between that opening and into the chest.

    A small hiatal hernia usually does not cause problems. You may only know you have one if you get it checked, so book your concentration with the best hernia surgeon in Ludhiana. 

    However, a giant hiatal hernia can allow food and acid back into your esophagus; This can cause heartburn. Self-care measures or medicines can relieve these symptoms. A giant hiatal hernia might need surgery. 

    Types Of Hernia

    There are four types of hiatal hernias. Most hiatal hernias are called type I or sliding hiatal hernias. In this type, the stomach intermittently slides into the chest through a bit of diaphragmatic opening. Type II, III and IV hiatal hernias are called Paraesophageal hernias; they occur when a portion of the stomach moves up into the chest adjacent to the esophagus. If you have any hernia and want affordable treatment, contact hernia surgery cost in Punjab for more details.

    Causes Of Hiatal Hernia

    1. Weak Muscles: Weak connective tissue and abdominal muscles are two factors that increase the risk of hernias. Some people are born with weak connective tissues and abdominal muscles; in others, it becomes weaker in older age. Illnesses or surgery can also weaken tissue and muscles.
    2. Overweight Carrier: Being overweight increases the pressure and strain on your abdominal muscles, making them weaker and more prone to developing a hernia. 
    3. Injury: Traumatic abdominal wall hernia (TAWH) is a rare type of hernia that occurs after low and high-velocity impact of the abdominal wall against a blunt object. 
    4. Repetitive Vomiting: A hiatal hernia can be triggered by constant pressure on the hiatus muscles. That pressure can be caused by vomiting and by immoderate straining during bowel movements. 
    5. Obesity: Obesity increases the risk of developing recurrent hernias; being overweight increases the strain, being obese or pressure on the abdominal muscles and makes them more prone to developing hernias and weaker.

    Prevention Tips

    1. Quit Smoking: Besides causing cancer, emphysema, and heart disease, smoking can assist with a hernia and lower the chances of successful healing after hernia surgery and chronic bronchitis.
    2. Practice Yoga And Meditation Daily: Yoga and meditation can strengthen the weak abdominal muscles that can cause a hernia. However, yoga can help you avoid a recurrence by strengthening, reducing fat and abdominal muscles and promoting body awareness.
    3. Eat Less Fat: Diet may significantly impact acid reflux and other symptoms associated with a hiatal hernia. Eating foods high in fiber, probiotics, and whole grains may also help.



    A hernia usually happens in your abdomen or groin; it may or may not cause symptoms such as discomfort or pain. Most hernias eventually will need surgical repair. If you have a hernia, visit the best hernia surgeon in Ludhiana. They specialize in hernia treatment.