IBS Treatment in Ludhiana

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    What is IBS?

    IBS, which is also called irritable bowel syndrome, is a condition related to gastrointestinal disorders. It is a gastrointestinal disease that is very common and affects your intestines and the whole digestive system. Some people experience the symptoms of IBS, which include abdominal pain and cramps. The condition may also result in diarrhoea, constipation, or sometimes both. IBS is an uncomfortable condition, but it does not cause any serious harm to the body. People with IBS can manage this condition by making changes in their lifestyle and their everyday routine of what they eat and what medications they take and by receiving behavioural therapy. People can also go for an IBS treatment in ludhiana if they are not able to manage the condition very well.

    Types of IBS

    The appearance of your stool determines the type of IBS. Many people who have IBS experience a normal bowel movement, while other people experience an abnormal bowel movement. The days with abnormal bowel movements determine the type of IBS you have. 

    • IBS with constipation (IBS-C): With this condition of IBS, your poop is mostly hard and lumpy. 
    • IBS with diarrhoea (IBS-D): With this condition, your poop is mostly loose and watery. 
    • IBS with mixed bowel habits (IBS-M): In this condition, your poop is lumpy and hard as well as loose and watery. 

    With the top irritable bowel syndrome treatment doctor in Punjab, you can manage the condition of IBS, but it is important to know that certain treatments work for particular types of IBS. 

    Symptoms And Causes of IBS

    The symptoms of IBS can come and go with time. One day, you might be having abnormal bowel movements, and the other day, you may just be fine. These symptoms can be frequent or may occur during flare-ups. This means the symptoms might go and return at any time. Some signs and symptoms of IBS are:

    • Abdominal pain or cramps that usually occur with an urge to poop. 
    • Excess bloating and gas.
    • Diarrhoea, constipation or both. 
    • Mucus in your poop that may look whitish.
    • Feeling like you are not able to empty your stomach even after pooping.

    Causes of IBS

    The main cause of IBS is not yet clear, but the researchers classify it as a neurogastrointestinal disorder. It is a condition of your gut-brain interaction, which is the way your brain interacts with the gut to coordinate the working of the digestive system. Communication challenges occurring between your gut and brain can result in:

    • Dysmotility: This causes problems in the way GI muscles contract and carry food through your GI tract. In people with IBS, the colon or the large intestine tends to contract more, which can result in abdominal pain and cramps. 
    • Visceral hypersensitivity: This causes the nerves to be extra sensitive in the GI tract. People who have IBS usually have a lower tolerance for pain as compared to people who do not have IBS. 

    Some other potential causes of IBS are: 

    • Gut bacteria: People have altered bacteria in the GI tract, which means the type and amount of bacteria differs in the people who have IBS from the people who don’t have it. 
    • Severe infections: IBS may be diagnosed due to some germs affecting the GI tract and because of severe infection. 
    • Food intolerance: IBS may be caused by certain food allergies or intolerance. 
    • Childhood stress: People who have experienced childhood trauma such as physical, emotional or mental abuse are more likely to have IBS. 

    Please note that it is important to contact your doctor before taking any medications, as without the supervision of your doctor, the medication might cause complications.