Time For A Change: Get Cervical Cancer Screening In Ludhiana, Punjab

  • Cervical Cancer Prevention Vaccine
  • Availability of PAP Smear Test
  • Regular Screening Can Prevent It
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    Cervical Cancer Treatment & Pap Smear Test in Ludhiana, Punjab

    Cervical Cancer Treatment & Pap Smear Test in Ludhiana, Punjab, Cervical Cancer affects the womb entrance. Statistics have shown that the estimated cases of Cervical Cancer are increasing with each passing year. It is suggested that women between 9 to 26 years old should get themselves vaccinated. Dr. Shuchita Batra is one of the known Gynecologists in Punjab at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre to help the women understand what’s suitable for their overall well-being. If you haven’t received your vaccine yet, then it’s time that you do that at the earliest.

    What are the common symptoms of cervical cancer?

    Some of the most common symptoms of cervical cancer are:

    • Bleeding between periods
    • Bleeding after sexual intercourse
    • Bleeding in post-menopausal women
    • Discomfort during sexual intercourse
    • Vaginal discharge with a strong odor
    • Vaginal discharge tinged with blood
    • Pelvic pain

    Important Note!
    If any woman suspects cervical cancer symptoms, immediately get the Pap Smear test. It’s a preventive measure because it not just detects Cancer but tells if any cancer cell-related changes are occurring in the body.

    What are the stages of Cervical Cancer?

    It’s essential to know the cancer stages depending on the same; the doctor will give you the necessary treatment plan. The cervical cancer stages are:

    Stage 0 Precancerous cells are present
    Stage 1 Cancer cells grow into the deep tissue layer and might reach the uterus & lymph nodes. 
    Stage 2 Cancer goes to the uterus & cervix. There are chances it might or might not affect the lymph nodes. 
    Stage 3 Cancer cells form in the vagina lower area or near the pelvis wall. 
    Stage 4 Cancer cells might affect the rectum or bladder & it reaches the pelvis area. Afterwards it can reach other organs like the liver. 

    What are the risk factors of cervical cancer?

    Some of the studies have shown that there are certain risk factors of cervical cancer like:

    • HPV
    • Smoking
    • Birth control pills
    • STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, and others)
    • Socio economic status

    Pap Smear Test: How to get cervical cancer screening?

    At Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre we have availability of Pap Smear test. The test allows to check the following:

    • Precancerous cells
    • Cells change in the cervix

    If these are not treated on time, then there are high chances that the situation can be complex. When the doctor performs the pap smear test, there will be the use of metal or plastic instruments named as a speculum, which allows the vaginal area to enlarge itself. Through pap smear, the doctor can detect the vagina and cervix along with few sample cells.

    What’s the ideal age to get a pap smear test?

    • Age between 21 to 29 years old
    • Age between 30 to 65 years old
    • More aged than 65 years old

    Do you have any doubts?

    Schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Shuchita Batra to plan for your cervical cancer screening the right way and get to know better what you should do next. You can get your cervical cancer prevention vaccine. To know more, reach out to our team.