Experienced and Trusted Team of Gastroenterologists For Painless Piles Treatment In India, Ludhiana

  • Safe Procedure
  • Success Rate: 99%
  • Time Taken: 30 Minutes
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    Piles (Hemorrhoids) Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab

    Piles (Hemorrhoids) Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab, The people who are suffering from the PILES experience swelling in the tissues present in the anal area.
    The size of the piles may be different. Also, they can be either present internally or externally.


    Where Are The Internal Piles Located?

    Dr Kartik Goyal has found out that the internal piles can be found at least 2 to 4 cm much above the opening of the anus. These are the most common types of piles.

    Where Can The External Piles Be Found?

    The external piles are the ones that are present on the external edge of the anus.



    What Are The Predominant Symptoms Of The Piles?

    In so many cases, the symptoms of the PILES are not serious. These usually get resolved on their own.

    In case the individual is experiencing reports to the gastroenterologist the following symptoms are quite much sure to show up:

    • A hard and painful lump will be felt around the anus. The lump may contain coagulated blood.
      Did you know? The piles which only contain blood are known as the thrombosed external haemorrhoids.
    • The person who is suffering from the piles will experience fullness even after passing the stools.
    • The bright red blood will be visible at the anus after each bowel movement.
    • The area which is present around the anus will be itchy, red and sore.
    • Pain will be experienced sometimes while passing the stool.


    How Are Piles Diagnosed At Ludhiana Gastro And Gynae Centre?

    Dr Kartik Goyal can diagnose the Piles merely with the help of a physical examination.

    When the patient will visit us, then we usually ask him the following questions:

    • Did any member of your family ever had piles
    • Have you noticed either blood or mucus while passing the stools?
    • Have you ever experienced a sudden loss in weight?
    • Have your bowel movements changed?
    • What is the colour of your stools?



    It is to be noted here that a great number of the Piles Cases get treated on their own. But obviously who does not want to suffer from the discomfort of getting succumbed to the piles, opt for treatment.

    If in case, you are feeling that you are suffering from extreme discomfort, then you can surely visit Dr Kartik Goyal for the reduction of the discomfort.


    • Diet: Make Sure that whichever diet you are intake, should be highly rich in fibre.
    • Body Weight : By losing weight, you can reduce both the incidence and the severity of the piles.
    • Medications: There are many kinds of medications available in the market with the help of which the symptoms could become highly manageable. But make sure, you are not taking any of such medication on your own , unless and until suggested by the doctor.


    What If These Remedies Are Not Proving To Be Fruitful?

    In case, none of the medical remedies are proving to be fruitful, then the doctor will consider the endoscopic intervention to make the condition better. Here are some of the most famous endoscopic procedures that help to get rid of the Piles:

    • Banding
    • Sclerotherapy
    • Infrared coagulation
    • Hemorrhoidectomy
    • Haemorrhoid stapling
    Piles Sclerotherapy

    Piles Treatment Cost in Ludhiana

    The Cost of the Piles Treatment in Punjab will depend on the type of piles you are having and up to what intensity they have gotten.

    for that you may visit Dr Kartik Goyal for the initial consultation.

    Schedule your Initial Consultation

    Those who never want to suffer from the piles are advised to eat the high fibre high liquid diet and do exercise daily. Also, it becomes necessary for everyone to know the symptoms of the same so that it becomes easy for you to detect the same at an early stage.


    Trust The Word Of Our Happy Patient

    Making the patients well-informed about the condition & treatment gives them the confidence to make the right medical decision.

    Bhagat Jain

    I was suffering from piles for the last year. Initially, medications helped me but with time my condition got worse, and started passing excess blood with stool. Through one of my family member’s suggestions, I consulted Dr. Kartik Goyal which has helped me with my condition. His understanding & treatment approach is extremely different from other doctors. me did Painless Clipping of piles within 10 minutes & I was discharged after one hour .I was was put on specific diet and i am doing well for past ‘6’ months.

    More Reviews



    1Can medications help to cure piles problems?

    Well! Through the medications, the pile’s problem is only going to get better if it is at the initial stage. Only if the condition does not get better then you are asked to get the sigmoidoscopy and endoseopic proceduce.

    2 Are there increased chances of piles occurring again?

    If you choose to get the piles surgery, although the chances of recurrence are less, as they are just around 1% to 2%.

    3 What are the major causes of piles?

    Piles occur when excess pressure is put on the veins present in the rectum area. The pressure can increase when you are pregnant, try to lift something heavy, or sit for a long time daily. Apart from these, the piles can occur due or constipation.

    4 How long does it take to recover after piles surgery?

    Ideally, you need to wait for at least 2 to 3 days to get back to your normal working regime.

    5 Is it okay If I go to the gym if I have piles?

    YES! But you need to only follow the lightweight activities because if excess pressure is put on the body then you will be in a lot of difficulties. So, no need to get yourself into activities that take a lot of stress.