Colon Cancer: Symptoms And Causes.

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    What Is Colon Cancer?

    The growth of cells that takes place in a part of the large intestine known as the colon is referred to as colon cancer. It is the first and the most lengthy part of the large intestine. The large intestine is located at the end of the digestive system. The role of the digestive system is to break down food so that the body can use it.

    Colon cancer can affect people at any age; however, adults are affected by it the most. The beginning of colon cancer starts with clots of cells known as polyps that develop inside the colon. Usually, polyps are not cancerous; however, with time, some can start to turn into colon cancer.

    Most of the time, polyps do not show any symptoms. Therefore, a doctor for colon cancer treatment in ludhiana recommends regular screening tests in order to detect polyps in the colon. Detection and removal of polyps in time helps to prevent the development of colon cancer.

    There are several colon cancer treatments in ludhiana in case a person develops colon cancer. These treatments may include radiation, surgery, medicine and therapies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

    There are several colon cancer treatments in ludhiana in case a person develops colon cancer. These treatments may include radiation, surgery, medicine and therapies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

    The name of colorectal cancer is also known as colon cancer. It is the combined term for colon cancer and rectal cancer that develops in the rectum.


    In the beginning, people with colon cancer usually have no symptoms. However, when the symptoms take place, they are mostly dependent upon the cancer size as well as its location in the large intestine.
    The symptoms of colon cancer may include:

    • Change in the functioning of the bowel, such as more frequent constipation or diarrhoea.
    • Bleeding in the rectal area or blood in the stool.
    • Constant discomfort in the stomach, such as gas, pain or cramps.
    • A feeling that the bowel did not empty properly after a bowel movement.
    • Tiredness or weakness
    • Unintended weight loss.


    Health professionals are not yet certain about the cause of colon cancer.
    Colon cancer develops when there are changes in the DNAs of the cells in the colon. The DNA of the cell guides it on what to do. The changes in the DNA instruct the cells to multiply rapidly. Due to these changes, the cells continue to live when they are supposed to die, which results in the presence of too many cells. An excessive amount of cells might develop a mass called a tumour. These cells can affect the healthy body tissues and may break away and spread to other parts of the body. The spread of cancer in the body is known as metastatic cancer. Consulting a doctor for colon cancer treatment in ludhiana can help the individual to manage the condition and prevent it from worsening.

    Risk Factors.

    Factors that may elevate the risk of colon cancer include:

    Older Age

    People of any age can be affected by colon cancer, But it mostly affects individuals who are aged above 50. The percentage of people who are aged below 50 and are affected by colon cancer has been growing, and doctors have no specific answer to why it is happening.

    A Personal History Of Colorectal Cancer Or Polyps.

    If you have had colon cancer or polyps in the past, then it is highly possible that you get affected by it again. Therefore, it is essential to manage the condition with the best colon cancer treatment in ludhiana.

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

    Inflammatory bowel disease that results in swelling and inflammation of the intestines due to several conditions can increase the chances of colon cancer. These conditions include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

    Inherited Syndromes.

    Several DNA changes that elevate the risk of colon cancer are hereditary issues. Familial adenomatous polyposis and Lynch syndrome are some of the most common inherited syndromes that can elevate the risk of colon cancer.

    Some other risk factors of colon cancer may include:

    • History of colon cancer in the family.
    • Low-fibre and high-fat diet.
    • Irregular exercise or no exercise at all
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Smoking
    • Consumption of alcohol.
    • Radiation therapy for cancer.

    These are some of the symptoms and causes of colon cancer, along with the risk factors that can provoke the condition. If you detect any symptoms of Colon cancer, immediately consult the best doctor for colon cancer treatment in ludhiana only at Ameritus Hospital.