Using Advanced Approach Painless Normal Delivery Procedure In Ludhiana, Punjab

  • Safe Procedure
  • Cost-Effective
  • Use of Regional Anesthesia
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    Painless Normal Delivery Doctors in Ludhiana, Punjab

    Painless Normal Delivery in Ludhiana, Punjab, You are in the most beautiful phase of your life ‘PREGNANCY’. It’s the mixed emotions throughout the journey which are difficult to explain in words. Even before your child is born you will have an amazing bond with them. No doubt, it’s such a delightful experience in itself. Modern medicine has evolved a lot and it can be seen with the option that not only C-section is the option. Painless normal delivery is also known as epidural analgesia.


    What is Painless Normal Delivery?

    Painless Normal Delivery is done through regional anesthesia which helps in pain relief while you are in natural labor. The epidural is administered through injection of the lower spinal area. It takes around 10 to 15 minutes to show its effect. This approach is beneficial for women who do have a low pain tolerance level.

    How is painless delivery performed?

    The painless normal delivery is the same as normal delivery but the difference is in the way you are given the epidural. Here is the proper detail about the painless normal delivery for better understanding:

    • Before active labor and epidural, the doctor will give you IV fluid. If we talk about the normal delivery and fluid, then around 1 to 2 liters of IV fluid is given.
    • The epidural is given as you arch the back and while doing this do not move at all or you can lie down on your side. This approach allows the epidural to be administered in the right place.
    • Once it is done effectively, the antiseptic solution is used to wipe that area and by doing so the chances of infection are reduced.
    • Following that local anesthesia is injected into the lower back which makes the area numb.
    • Following that needle is taken out and the catheter is kept in the desired place. To make sure the catheter is in its place it will be taped.

    In total, the epidural takes around 5 to 30 minutes to show the desired effect and helps you have relief from pain.

    What are the benefits of painless normal delivery?

    The painless normal delivery allows the women to go through the entire phase without having any pain. Moreover, she is conscious throughout the procedure. Some of the known benefits of painless normal delivery are:

    • Delivery duration total time drops
    • The heartbeat, pulse rate, and blood pressure are all under control
    • Pelvic muscles are not damaged as there are high chances of having it during normal delivery
    • The stress hormones are not released in excess during painless normal delivery which might happen during normal delivery.
    • Only during emergency cases, C-section is done.

    Cost of Painless Normal Delivery In Ludhiana

    On average, it cost around Rs 15,000 – Rs 20,000 for Epidural Analgesia. Although, you will get to know about the actual amount only after consulting the doctor. The total cost can vary by considering different factors.

    Schedule your initial consultation

    If you are pregnant or you are planning to conceive then schedule your initial consultation with our doctor: Dr. Shuchita Batra to plan for your pregnancy in the right manner.


    Trust The Word Of Our Happy Patient

    Making the patients well-informed about the condition & treatment gives them the confidence to make the right medical decision.

    Kirat Makkar

    Like every other girl, I was waiting for the pregnancy phase. When I started my pregnancy journey it was clear that I wanted to consult Dr. Shuchita Batra, as she has been my gynae for the last 5 years. During my pregnancy journey, she made me familiar with the painless normal delivery and how beneficial it can be. As I know one thing she always suggests only those options which are beneficial for her patients and effective. It is right to say that my pregnancy went so smoothly and as now my baby is here my happiness is on another level. All thanks to Dr. Shuchita Batra.
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    1When should I get an Epidural?

    During the active phase when the cervix is dilated around 3 to 4 cm. No need to think that you only need to get it when the pain is unbearable. Don’t wait for your pain to reach its peak. As much time as you wait, it is going to make it difficult for the catheter to be placed in the place properly.

    2Will epidural affect delivery safety??
    Neither epidurals are harmful nor do they lead to any negative effects. Under the expert guidance of the anesthesiologists, the epidural is administered. The epidural will leave some normal side-effects.
    3How long does an epidural effect last?

    Its effectiveness does show results for a long time. For the time being the catheter is in its place and pregnant women are taking the medication. The numbness will take around 2 to 4 hours to wear off and even depending on the dose given to you.

    4Will it hurt when the catheter is placed in the back?

    NO! As you will be administered local anesthesia before that which allows the skin to feel numb. Although, some pressure is normal to experience as something is being put in the body. If pain is getting in excess then better ask for more anesthesia so that it becomes easy to get it done.

    5Are there any side effects of painless normal delivery?

    Well! There are some temporary and rare side-effects with painless normal delivery like:

    • As mentioned, the epidural is safe but it might leave some side effects like fever, back pain, shivering, nausea, dizziness, and breathing problems.
    • Numbness on the entire body
    • One of the rare side effects is migraine leakage in the spine which leads to severe migraine
    6How should I prepare for painless normal delivery?

    If the woman is planning to get the painless normal delivery then you need to consider:

    • Choose the best birth center
    • Check what all the epidural options are there
    • Know about the pain relief which will be right for your condition
    • You need to tell the doctor regarding allergic reaction
    7What are the situations when epidural is not the right choice?

    Understand that for every woman epidural does not make the best choice. In the given scenario, you are not a suitable candidate for epidural:

    • Using blood thinners
    • The platelet count is too much low
    • Blood infection
    • The right place for an epidural cannot be located
    • Cervix is still not dilated up to 4 cm
    • Back infection or anywhere else on the body
    8What should I do to reduce the risk of epidural?

    No matter what you are considering the delivery method, it’s better that you prepare yourself. You have to follow every possible measure so that there is no problem during pregnancy. Make sure to practice breathing exercises and control your stress level.