Gynecologist Shuchita Batra The Medical Hub

Types Of Surgical Procedures Performed By Gynecologists In Ludhiana

Today we are going to learn about the surgical procedures performed in a Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana.

Surgical Procedure Performed In Gynecology


The doctor surgically removes the uterine fibroid in this surgery. The process is done without removing the uterus from the body. There are various techniques that the Gynecologist In Ludhiana would suggest to the patient, but the choice of the process will depend on the size, location, and the characteristics of the woman. In some cases, it is impossible to remove the fibroids altogether, and the new uterine fibroids might grow after the surgery of myomectomy. The only accepted surgery for removing fibroids in women who want to maintain their fertility is myomectomy. That being said, this method also leaves behind some scars that might affect fertility negatively. The doctor often suggests those women undergo cesarean delivery after the myomectomy to avoid the scar breaking down at the time of delivery.

Types of myomectomy available:

  1. Hysteroscopic myomectomy
  2. Abdominal myomectomy
  3. Laparoscopic myomectomy


It is a surgical procedure that is conducted to remove the uterus from the body. It helps prevent future pregnancies and eliminates fibroid-related pressure and bleeding symptoms.

Hysterectomy is divided into two categories:

  1. Total hysterectomy in this, the doctor removes the complete uterus, which also includes the lower part of the uterus, also known as the cervix.
  1. In the supracervical hysterectomy method, the upper part of the uterus is removed while leaving the cervix behind. Gynecologists do not recommend this surgical process to women who have a track record of a certain type of pelvic pain or abnormal pap smear. Almost up to 5-10 % of women might continue to experience chronic cyclic bleeding after surgery, just like a period. It was believed before that a supracervical hysterectomy surgery would preserve the sexual functions better than compared to total hysterectomy, but not a single research supports this theory. The only benefit of supra-cervical surgery is that it allows the doctor to conduct a slightly faster surgery with a shorter recovery time.

How To Choose The Right Doct6or For Your Gynecology Surgery?

It is necessary to understand that an expert is the only one who would be able to perform the surgery with a successful result. But how can you choose the right doctor for your checkup and treatment?

Taking care of your reproductive organ is an essential phenomenon that most women often neglect. This negligence might cost you a lot.

Given below are some ways to judge and select the best gynecologist:

Qualified and experienced doctor:

The 1st thing to do while choosing a doctor for your reproductive organs checkup is to know and learn about the qualification the doctor holds. Have they perfectly experienced gyne who have adequate knowledge about the procedure and the treatment. You would not be treated by someone who is not well trained in this department.

  • The reputation and reviews of the doctor and hospital

Another factor determining your choice is the reputation the hospital and the doctor hold. How many surgeries have they conducted, and what is the ratio of the success. Interview the staff members and also read their reviews on the website as well as google to learn more.

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