Gastroenterologist Kartik Goyal The Medical Hub

Frequent Heartburn & Indigestion: What is the reason behind it?

Do you have heartburn and indigestion?

Medically the problem is referred to as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). The problem occurs due to reflux of stomach content that goes to the food pipe. The name is also known as GERD of acid reflux. GERD is referred to as a chronic condition, so you must visit one of the leading Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana to take the best care of yourself.

What are the reasons behind GERD?

GERD occurs when LES relaxes for a long duration in not the proper manner, and then acid reflux occurs. Moreover, LES has not closed appropriately, and then all the content present in the stomach goes back to the esophagus. Acid reflux can happen from time to time which often triggers feelings of heartburn and indigestion.

Are you pregnant?

If you are trying to conceive or pregnant, taking care of your gastro health is equally essential. If you have trouble managing your gastro health, visit the well-known Gynecologist In Ludhiana to have clarity on how to take care of yourself during your pregnancy journey.

What are the common symptoms of GERD?

Here are some of the common symptoms of GERD:

  • Feeling of indigestion
  • Heartburn

These symptoms are noticed in the mid-abdomen, behind the breast bone, and mid-chest area. Apart from the given common symptoms: Adults and children under 12 often complain about:

  • Dry cough
  • Asthma
  • Sore throat
  • Problem swallowing

All these factors can come along with chest pain. Just make sure not to ignore any of the symptoms; otherwise, the situation can worsen.

Are there any risk factors for GERD?

If you notice refluxes sometimes, then it’s completely fine. But, when the problem keeps coming back together, you have to seek medical assistance at the earliest. GERD needs treatment on time. Otherwise, it can lead to severe health concerns. GERD can occur in individuals at any age, and some of the possible risk factors are:

  • Obesity – especially recent weight gain
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Delayed stomach emptying

Is there any food that makes GERD worse?

Make sure to avoid the list of given food options:

  • Fruits of citrus or acidic nature
  • Chocolate, alcohol, and coffee
  • Tomato-based foods
  • Fatty, spicy, and fried foods
  • Garlic, onions, and mint flavorings

Are there any long-term complications with GERD?

If GERD is not treated, then problem gets worse with time, and it can trigger several complications like:

  • Tissue damage due to csra
  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • Inflammation in the esophagus
  • Pulmonary fibrosis

How do doctors diagnose GERD?

The doctor diagnoses GERD through given ways:

  • Check the symptoms
  • Perform endoscopy
  • 24 hour ambulatory PH monitoring

What are the treatment options for GERD?

The gastroenterologist suggests the treatment options depending on your present state’s diagnostic test results. Sometimes a combinational approach is used to transform the patient’s condition. The possible treatment options are:

  • Suggesting necessary lifestyle changes
  • Medication
  • Surgery

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