Gynecologist Shuchita Batra vaginal discharge

Perineal hygiene: How to find out if vaginal discharge is worrisome?

Vaginal discharge treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab

Vaginal discharge treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab – for many women, it’s one of those mysterious things that’s difficult to understand. Before I discuss the types and how to understand your vaginal health better, Let me share some basic information about it.

Vaginal Discharge: How do I know it’s normal?

Vaginal discharge is a sign that your vagina is healthy and normal. Being one of the essential parts of reproductive health, women still get scared to talk to the gynecologist in Punjab about vaginal discharge.

 Factors that affect healthy vaginal discharge

Women need to understand the difference between normal and abnormal. So that without any delay, they can seek Vaginal discharge treatment in Punjab. Also, it’s essential to know there are a few factors that can affect vaginal discharge:

  • Menstrual cycle
  • Hormonal changes
  • Sexual activity
  • Certain medications

Please Note!

Do you notice the abnormal color or strong smell in vaginal discharge?

It’s a sign of infection!

It would help if you had prompt medical assistance from one of the Obstetrician Gynecologist In Punjab.

 What is healthy vaginal discharge?

Your healthy vaginal discharge is:

  • Clear
  • Milky White
  • Cream-colored

Additionally, the discharge consistency can vary differently like:

  • Thin & watery
  • Stretchy & Elastic
  • Thick & Sticky

Most importantly, healthy vaginal discharge won’t be smelly or have a foul odor. The woman in her menopause phase will notice a change in vaginal discharge on her own.

But, if you notice the difference in your vaginal discharge often, it’s a sign that something is wrong.

 What are the types of discharge?

Type of Discharge Color What does it mean?Other Additional Symptoms
White, yellow, or gray color

(Odor gets fishy)

Bacterial vaginosis●     Itching or sensation of burning

●     Redness & swelling in vagina or vulva

Frothy, yellow or greenish

(Bad odor)

Trichomoniasis●     Pain and itching while urinating
Thick, cheesy, and white colorYeast infection●     Vulva area has swelling & pain

●     Itching

●     Painful Sexual intercourse

Bloody or brownIrregular menstrual cycles, or less often, cervical or endometrial cancer●     Vaginal bleeding

●     Pelvic pain

Cloudy or yellowGonorrhea●     Bleeding between periods

●     Urinary incontinence

●     Severe pelvic pain

PinkShedding of the uterine lining after childbirth

What is an abnormal vaginal discharge?

To understand the problem of abnormal vaginal discharge and when you need treatment; notice the change in:

  • Amount
  • Smell
  • Color
  • Consistency

Apart from these, there are a few signs that point towards abnormal vaginal discharge:

  • Odor changes suddenly, and it’s not a pleasant one
  • The discharge have pus-like or cottage cheese-like presnece
  • Pain while urinating or have sex
  • Genital area have swelling, redness, soreness, and itching

Vaginal discharge treatment in Punjab

Vaginal discharge is one of the health conditions for which a gynecologist provides right assistance. The doctor will personalize your Vaginal discharge treatment after doing several tests to point out the reasons behind it. Some of the tests performed during vaginal discharge treatment are:

  • Physical examination
  • Pap smears
  • pH tests
  • Samples to check under microscope

 Important gynecologist tips to prevent vaginal infection

Your vagina needs utmost care, just like your other body parts. And here are some gynecologist suggested tips to take care of your vagina.”

  • Always clean your vagina with water gently. Never put any soap directly in the vagina.
  • Don’t use scented soaps
  • After the washroom, always wipe the area from front to back
  • Avoid feminine sprays
  • Avoid tightening cloth
  • Wear 100% cotton underwear

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