Kartik Goyal The Medical Hub

Heartburn and Acid Reflux: Symptoms and Causes

When you are suffering from heartburn, being unaware of the causes and symptoms can put you on the wrong path of treatment. The symptoms might confuse you, and you end up consulting the wrong specialists. In order to treat heartburn and acid reflux, seek the service of the best gastro doctor in Ludhiana. At Ameritus Hospital, you can make certain that you are able to undergo diagnosis and explore your treatment options for heartburn and acid reflux. 

Symptoms of Heartburn and Acid Reflux 

When you seek treatment from an experienced liver doctor in Ludhiana, you can essentially ensure that you are able to manage symptoms of the same. Following can be a range of symptoms you could experience when suffering from heartburn and acid reflux: 


  • If you have been experiencing a sensation of burning after you have eaten 
  • If this burning sensation thoroughly compounds in intensity, you lie down or try to bend over. 

Acid Reflux 

  • If you are experiencing regurgitation of food or sour liquid in your mouth over and over again. 
  • If you have an unexplainable sour or bitter taste in your mouth.
  • If you experience discomfort in your chest without any reason.
  • If you are thoroughly bloated for no reason, it could be acid reflux. 

If you or someone you know has been exhibiting these signs, it is recommended that you seek help from the best gastroenterology hospital in Ludhiana

Causes of Heartburn and Acid Reflux 

At the best gastroenterology hospital in Punjab, you can make certain that you are thoroughly able to understand the causes of heartburn and acid reflux. Ensure that you are able to understand the causes of your trouble. Following are some of the reasons why heartburn and acid reflux take place:

  • Weakening of LES could be an apparent reason that one is experiencing heartburn and acid reflux.
  • Your lifestyle choices, such as the type of food you eat, could impact the intensity of heartburn and acid reflux you experience. 
  • The chances of developing acid reflux and heartburn are excessive if you are obese or pregnant. 
  • Excessive indulgence in smoking or alcohol can thoroughly lead to heartburn and acid reflux. 
  • If you have certain medical conditions such as Gastroparesis, it can thoroughly lead to the development of acid reflux and heartburn. 
  • Certain medications could also lead to the development of heartburn and acid reflux. 

If you or someone you know has a poor lifestyle or they are excessively indulging in smoking or drinking alcohol, the chances of developing heartburn and acid reflux are excessively high. Consult the best liver doctor in Punjab to seek treatment. 

If you are caught unaware, it can truly be a troubling experience. However, with the help of Ameritus Hospital, you can seek the right treatment opportunities and undergo treatment from the best gastro doctor in Ludhiana. Our team will ensure that you are comfortable throughout the treatment experience. If you are suffering, make certain that you are able to book an appointment with our experts today. Find relief from heartburn and acid reflux with the help of experts from the Ameritus Hospital.  

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