Gastric Problems

Gastric Problem: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Today, children and older people are suffering from gastric problems because of bad eating habits.  They might suffer because of any underlying serious issues related to the stomach too. Gastric problems are unknown as digestive disturbances or stomach-related issues that affect your daily life. In this blog we dive into the causes, symptoms and treatment and explore a diet that can help to resolve the gastric problem. 

What is a gastric problem?

The gastric problem has a range of issues, such as gas, bloating, acidity, and indigestion can affect the stomach and digestive system of the body. While this is not a serious problem, continuous gastric issues may impact overall health.

Causes of Gastric Problem

There are several factors that can disrupt normal functioning of your stomach; some of these causes are listed below. 

  • Dietary Factors: Not consuming high-fibre vegetables and fruits leads to gastric problems and digestive issues. Eating spicy, fatty, and processed greasy food can lead to indigestion. Such food significantly irritates the stomach, which can cause acid reflux. 
  • Lifestyle Factors: Not doing any physical activity or living a sedentary lifestyle for a long time can lead to digestive problems. All those who are addicted to the habits of alcohol and smoking can irritate the digestive system and may slow down digestion, which can lead to increasing the risk of gastritis, ulcers, and other gastric issues.
  • Psychological Factors: Changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, bloating all these leading symptoms can affect digestion. Physiological stress also worsens or triggers the digestive system.
  • Medical Condition: Some medical conditions, such as bacterial or viral infections like Helicobacter pylori infection or gastroenteritis etc, can cause severe gastric problems like gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Medications: Some medications, such as antibiotics, aspirin, and oral contraceptives, can irritate the digestive system and increase the risk of gastric problems.
  • Other Factors: Age could be the factor as they are more prone to gastric problems because of the changes in the digestive system, or sometimes there is a family history of gastrointestinal disorders, which can increase the risk of gastric problems.

Addressing these factors through changes in lifestyle, making dietary modifications, doing stress control techniques, etc and getting help from healthcare professionals can help to prevent this gastric problem effectively.

Symptoms of Gastric Problems

If you are exhibiting any of the following symptoms, you need to seek immediate help: 

  • Vomiting
  • Passing Gas
  • Belching
  • Feeling Bloated
  • Tightness or knotting in the abdomen
  • Sores in the stomach lining
  • Upset Stomach
  • Stomach Pain
  • Reduce Desire to Eat
  • Acid Reflux
  • Burning Feeling in the Stomach
  • Feeling discomfort or cramps 
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal swelling 
  • Hiccups

Treatment for Gastric Problem

The treatment is often prescribed according to the symptoms. Alleviating lifestyle changes in diet can help to manage these symptoms. But to get the proper treatment then, you have to seek professional help because it is crucial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatments.

Dietary Changes: The following nutritional changes can help to reduce gastric problems:

  • Adopting a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help with proper digestion.
  • Reduce intake of fatty, spicy and greasy food, which can directly weaken your digestive system.
  • Stay hydrated and ensure that you are able to drink an adequate amount of water (7 -8 glasses of water are recommended)
  • Avoid overeating.

How to Prevent Gas in the Stomach?

Burping is a way to expel the excess air from the digestive tract. If you feel pain while bloating, then it is the cause of some underlying conditions, and you have to consult the best gastrologist who can examine your problem. There are some tips you can use to avoid gas, burping and bloating:

  • While eating, chew the food slowly
  • Avoid talking while eating any meal 
  • Make sure to eat smaller meals
  • Reduce the intake of carbonated drinks
  • Reduce the consumption of smoking as it is not suitable for overall health 

Regular stress control techniques like meditation or yoga and regular workouts help to manage the gastric problem. If the problem persists, then take professional guidance.

Home Remedies for Gastric Problems:

  1. Chewing raw ginger or a sip of ginger tea can help to reduce the bloating and gas.
  2. Eating peppermint candies or peppermint tea can help to prevent digestive issues.
  3. Taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with warm water before every meal can help to reduce acid flux.
  4. Taking a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water can help to neutralise the acid in the stomach and relieve heartburn.
  5. Chewing fennel seed or fennel tea can help to reduce the indigestion problem.
  6. Drinking an adequate amount of water can help you to feel hydrated and prevent constipation.
  7. To reduce inflammation, drink a small amount of aloe vera juice that also soothes the stomach lining.
  8. Eating bananas every day has lots of benefits, as it provides relief from heartburn and indigestion.
  9. Consuming yoghurt, probiotic-rich food that helps to stable your stomach and reduce indigestion
  10. Exercise regularly helps to revitalise digestion and reduce constipation and bloating.
When should I Visit to Doctor?

If you are suffering from this gastric problem persistently and feel discomfort for a long time, causing unexplained weight loss and blood in stool-like severe problems, then get an appointment with a healthcare expert. If you are seeking a professional gastrologist who helps you to give excellent guidance and tips to relieve this discomfort, then Ameritus Hospital is the best option because they are professional doctors with years of experience and have the commitment and excellence towards their work. Contact us now, as we prioritise your health and enhance your quality of life!

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