Gynecologist Hysterectomy Shuchita Batra

6 most common reasons to undergo hysterectomy surgery in Punjab

Are you planning to get hysterectomy surgery?

The hysterectomy surgery helps to remove the uterus. Sometimes, the doctor can ask you to get it for fallopian tube removal and ovaries. You won’t have periods following the procedure, and pregnancy is not possible. At our Gastro hospital in Punjab, we have a proper setup to conduct abdominal hysterectomy for women struggling with several health issues. The blog will highlight the most common reasons to get a hysterectomy.

Reasons to get a hysterectomy in Ludhiana

Reason 1: Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growth that most women have in the uterus. The problem can even affect fertility and lead to pain, bleeding, and stomach dissection. Initially, the doctor will suggest a non-invasive approach to handle the situation. But, if the symptoms continue to grow, you have to undergo a hysterectomy.

At our gastro & gynae centre, we also provide Endoscopic Ultrasound in Punjab to check the problem with gastro-related conditions. The minimally invasive procedure uses high-frequency and well analyzes the situation.

Reason 2: Endometriosis

Another common condition that occurs in women is endometriosis. The problem includes the tissues starting to grow outside the uterus. Additionally, there’s pain and an irregular menstrual cycle. Make sure to discuss with the doctor whether this Abdominal Hysterectomy in Punjab is the right approach for you or not.

Reason 3: Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis occurs when the uterus lining starts to grow in the uterus area. Additionally, the uterine wall gets thick, and there’s pain and heavy bleeding. The prevalence rate is higher in women after menopause. Ensure to get the treatment at the right time to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Reason 4: Infection

The hysterectomy even checks the PID; that’s a bacterial infection that leads to pelvic pain as the problem can worsen and affect the uterus’s health. Therefore, removing it through PID makes an appropriate choice.

Reason 5: Hyperplasia

Hyperplasia is a condition when the uterus lining gets exceptionally thick. Additionally, the level of estrogen gets way too high in the body. Some research has shown it can lead to uterine cancer. If the doctor suspects your condition can lead to cancer, you should get it removed.

Reason 6: General abdominal bleeding

Hysterectomy is even beneficial when a woman has irregular or heavy menstrual cycles. The chances of irregular bleeding may be due to:

  • Fibroids
  • Infection
  • Hormone changes
  • Cancer
  • Other conditions

Sometimes there are pain and stomach cramps. To address the problem of heavy bleeding, uterus removal makes the right choice, and the woman can find utmost relief. Apart from these, the doctor can even suggest delivery complications.

Do you notice any of the given conditions?

If you notice any of the given problems or symptoms, then don’t delay and consult one of the known medical experts at the earliest.

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