Endoscopy for diagnostic test
Endoscopy is one of the most asked-for diagnostic tests that’s an integral part of gastro care. The gastroenterologist performs the procedure to have a better look inside the digestive tract:
- Stomach
Endoscopy in Punjab can be used to see several health issues that leave symptoms like heartburn, reflux, and chronic pain. One of the stats shows that heartburn cases in India fall between 7.6% and 30%. That’s a huge number requiring immediate medical care.
Therefore, if you have problems like acid reflux on a chronic level and heartburn, then you have to consult one of the Best Gastro Doctor in Ludhiana. The gastro doctor will suggest you the necessary possible care to address the condition in the most significant manner. What you have to always keep in mind is to consult the gastro doctor without any delay. Seeking the right kind of medical care plays an essential part in addressing the concern on time.
Endoscopy and Gastroenterology services
The doctor will do thorough evaluation to ensure everything is known. The endoscopy approach is for the lower or upper GI tract to check the possible symptoms and digestive health issues.
Endoscopy is an advanced approach and comes under the category of the minimally invasive method. Your gastroenterologist performs the same to effectively determine what’s the best possible way to correct the specific concern that you have.
Reasons to perform endoscopy
Several digestive issue symptoms are treated through endoscopy to analyze your entire digestive health effectively. The possible reasons to perform endoscopy are:
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Hiatal hernia
Blood while vomiting
Nausea and weight loss
Achalasia Cardia
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) like Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease
Frequent abdominal pain
Unexplained bleeding in the digestive tract
Diarrhea that doesn’t respond to medicines
Resection of Gastric epithelial polyps
Recurrent gastritis or acidity
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Taking a biopsy from a suspicious lesion or ulcer
Foreign body extraction (Example: Coin, battery, meatloaf, etc.)
Endoscopic balloon for weight loss (For advanced cases, if needed)
Esophageal Variceal Ligation
Endoscopy procedure: How is it done?
The expert gastro doctor performs this minimally invasive method as an outpatient procedure. The endoscope is a small fiber-optic instrument with a light attached to one end. It allows you to send images of your present GI tract on the video screen. It follows a careful and effective approach making it an exceptionally perfect method.
Is an endoscopy diagnostic test comfortable?
The gastro doctor will administer the required sedative before the procedure starts. Its desired effect is to make the procedure extremely comfortable. The recovery from the sedative might take around 24 hours.
Gastro care: Get the best care at the earliest
Getting the right information is essential, no matter what the problem. Similarly, to improve your gastro health, you need to seek medical assistance from Dr. Kartik Goyal, who will ensure to offer what’s best and effective. Schedule your initial consultation to get further information.