Don’t Lose Hope! One Of The Leading Infertility Treatment Centre in Ludhiana, Punjab

  • Advanced Techniques & Procedures
  • Clinical Success Rate: 60-90%
  • Experienced Fertility Expert
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    Infertility Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab

    Infertility Treatment in Ludhiana, Punjab, ‘Infertility’ is one of the common concerns all over the globe. Still, there is a taboo attached to it as many people don’t know exactly what should be done in this situation. Most importantly, there is no need to hide it or feel negative about yourself that you have the condition.
    Dr. Shuchita Batra, one of the known medical experts in Punjab is the companion of all those who lead a happy phase (have conceived naturally) and also of those who are distressed (Not able to conceive despite so many attempts). She had not only carried out more than 10 thousands of successful deliveries, but she had also helped thousands of the infertile couples to achieve the happiness of having a baby. If you are struggling through the same situation then Ameritus Hospital Centre is here to give you the right solution.
    Ours Is An IVF Centre As Well!
    The couples who are facing any kind of problem to conceive are requested to visit us for the diagnosis. If you visit us once, we assure you that you will return home with hope and the scheduled date at which the fertility treatment will be performed.


    How do we provide infertility treatment at Ameritus Hospital?

    • Stage 1: We Figure Out The Cause: At the first stage, we figure out whether it is male or female infertility that is causing a problem. Based on the cause of the problem it will be decided whether the medicative treatment will be enough to get the condition treated or does it require the patient to undergo the surgical intervention. If the cause of infertility comes out to be irreversible, then the Godsend blessing IVF will be treated as the last resort.
    • Stage 2: The Patient Will Be Asked To Correct The Lifestyle: IVF can not be commenced right after the initial consultation. It will take some time for the bodies of the patients to become suitable for undergoing the procedure. The doctor will help the patient to make some necessary changes in dietary habits, exercises, and many more.
    • Stage 3: The Diagnosis Tests: Both the partners intending to become the parents will need o to undergo several kinds of diagnostic tests to make sure that the appropriate things are targeted while accomplishing the procedure.

    IVF Procedure for Infertile Patients

    Finally, the day will come at which the procedure will be performed. The procedure is accomplished in several steps. Some stages are performed on the same day of the procedure, while others will be performed some or a day after the retrievals.

    • Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation: There are two major elements of the procedure which are eggs and sperms. For obtaining good quality eggs, the doctor will administer certain drugs or medications to the ovaries so that the eggs having good characteristics can be obtained.
    • Step 2: Egg Retrieval Once the ovaries are giggly stimulated to produce good quality eggs. The eggs produced will be retrieved. By retrieval, we mean to get the eggs.
    • Step 3: Sperm Retrieval: No sooner than the doctor finds out that the good quality eggs have been produced, the male partner intending to become a biological father will be asked to provide a sample of his semen. That semen sample will be sent to the lab at which semen will be thoroughly examined and the sperms with the best characteristics will be extracted.
    • Step 4: Fertilisation ( The Union Of The Eggs And The Sperms): This is the crucial stage for IVF. Both the sperm and the eggs will be fused for developing the embryo.
      Did you know?
      The egg which is fertilized is known as the embryo.
    • Step 5: The Incubation Period: When the embryo is developed, it is put into the incubation period for about 4 to 5 days. During this period, it is observed whether the embryo is having the required traits and it is fit for the implantation process.
    • Step 6: Implantation Phase: If the fertility experts are sure that the embryo is suitable for surviving through the 9-month pregnancy phase, then they will step ahead towards the implantation phase. During this period, the embryo is transferred to the uterus.
    • Step 7: Pregnancy Test: 2 weeks after undergoing the embryo implantation, the patient will be tested for pregnancy. This test will confirm whether the patient is pregnant or not.

    Case in Point!

    In case the doctors find out that it is difficult for the couple to have a biological baby owing to the flaws in the traits of the eggs or the sperms, then the doctors will consider having the donor eggs or sperms.
    Usually, same-sex couples are the ones who take the maximum advantage of the IVF Procedure.

    Cost of Infertility Treatment in Ludhiana

    On average, the infertility treatment cost around Rs 5000 – Rs 20,000 for IUI and ovulation induction. For IVF, as the treatment is customised for specific problems, the cost will vary from couple to couple.

    Schedule your initial consultation

    Losing hope and thinking negatively won’t do any good to you. If you are in a dilemma on how to proceed further then better schedule your initial consultation with our Dr. Shuchita Batra to plan your pregnancy journey in the right manner.


    Trust The Word Of Our Happy Patient

    Making the patients well-informed about the condition & treatment gives them the confidence to make the right medical decision.

    param kaur

    I was trying to conceive for the last 6 months, but every month seeing the negative test results started to lose my hope of getting pregnant. I did some research and came across Dr. Shuchita Batra and after diagnosing my condition, it was known I was infertile. No doubt, at that moment my world shattered. But, with the doctor’s guidance it made it easier for me to plan everything and get the customized treatment plan which boosted my conception chances. If you are struggling with your pregnancy journey then highly recommend you to consult Dr. Shuchita Batra.
    More Reviews


    1Does it mean due to infertility I cannot conceive?

    Infertility and sterility are different. Subfertility is referred to as the condition when the couple is not able to conceive after trying for at least one year. Although, it does not mean that you are not going to conceive. Through the advanced medical approach, you can boost your chances of pregnancy.

    2Is infertility only the female problem?

    NO! Infertility is a condition diagnosed in both men and women. Around 30% of the cases are due to male infertility, 30% of the cases are due to female infertility, 30% combined both male & female, and the rest is unexplained infertility. Make sure that you seek medical assistance on time to better manage your condition.

    3The 35-year old woman is trying to conceive but after how long will she be consisted as infertile?

    Women of the age 35 or older are considered infertile after trying to conceive for 6 months. Understand that women’s reproductive health sees a decline after the age of 30. With age, the total count of healthy and quality eggs reduces a lot. They can contact the best IVF centre in Ludhiana to get the positive results.

    4Which sexually transmitted diseases increase the chances of female infertility?

    The pelvic inflammatory disease is likely known to increase the chances of affecting female reproductive health. PID is known for impacting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and other reproductive organs. However, timely medical intervention can help to prevent this problem.

    5What are the major signs and symptoms of infertility to concenre for one year ?

    Symptoms of female infertility are:

    • Abnormal, irregular, or painful periods
    • No periods
    • Loss of hair or thinning hair
    • Unexplained weight gain
    • Hot flashes
    • Painful intercourse or inability to have intercourse
    • Milky breast discharge
    • Skin changes, including more acne
    • Changes in sex drive and desire
    • Dark hair growth on the lips, chest, and chin

    Symptoms of male infertility are:

    • Changes in hair growth
    • Changes in sexual desire
    • Pain, lump, or swelling in the testicles
    • Problems with erections and ejaculations
    • Small, firm testicles
    6Will age impact male infertility?

    YES! Just like female infertility declines with age, in the same manner, male infertility declines. The male sperm health will reduce as you reach the age of 40. However, male fertility declines at a slow age as compared to women.

    7What are the fertility tests I need to get?

    For the fertility evaluation, the doctor will check your medical history along with a female and male partner. Undergoing the physical examination will help to point to the exact problem. Additionally, the pelvic ultrasound is performed for the women. In the case of a male, the semen analysis is done along with hormone screening.