Pancreatitis refers to the inflammation in the pancreas which causes swelling and pain. Having pancreatitis gives a feeling of pain in the stomach that spreads to your back. The pancreas is an organ that is a part of the abdomen that is located between the stomach and the spine. Your pancreas plays an important part in the process of digestion and regulating blood sugar. It produces digestive enzymes such as amylase and hormones like insulin and delivers them to the small intestine through the pancreatic duct.
Inflammation is the response of the immune system to injury which is supposed to help in the healing of injured tissues. Most often, gallstones blocking the pancreatic duct or alcohol cause injury to the pancreas. The condition can be managed with the help of the best doctor for pancreatitis treatment in Punjab.
There are two types of pancreatitis which are acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis is a condition that is temporary and takes place when the pancreas attempts to recover from a mild, short-term injury. With supportive care that includes rest, hydration and pain relief, most of the people who are dealing with acute pancreatitis can recover in a few days. However, if the case of pancreatitis is severe, then it can result in some serious complications, some of which are life-threatening.
Chronic Pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive, long-term condition that gets worse with time. It happens due to constant and neverending damage to the pancreas. The chronic pancreas can do long-lasting damage to your pancreas, but it may take many years. Scarring of your tissue (fibrosis) is caused by continuous inflammation, which also stops them from producing enzymes and hormones.
Abdominal pain is the prime symptom of pancreatitis. Some additional symptoms of acute pancreatitis may include:
Some additional symptoms of chronic pancreatitis may include:
These are some of the symptoms that can be managed with a pancreatitis treatment in Ludhiana.
What Are The Causes Of Pancreatitis?
The two major causes of Pancreatitis are:
The common bile duct transfers bile from the gallbladder to the intestine through the opening that is the same as the pancreatic duct. In case the gallstones enter and get stuck in this common bile duct, it can result in temporary blockage of the drainage of the pancreatic juice from the pancreatic duct. Due to this, the enzymes get trapped inside your pancreas. This is because due to the building pressure from behind the obstruction, the enzymes are pushed back into the pancreas, and as a result, they start to digest the pancreas itself. This condition causes gallstone pancreatitis
Another cause of pancreatitis is heavy consumption of alcohol. The researchers are not sure why it happens. However, some assumptions have been made that some toxic by-products of alcohol may be causing an inflammatory response in your pancreas. It could also be that they are somehow activating the digestive enzymes in your pancreas.
Some other causes of pancreatitis include: